


愛盲低視能中心已成立10年,在此期間國內低視能服務參與的專業人員與合作領域愈來愈多,一本低視能新知傳遞與交流的期許,欲藉由辦理國際性實務知能研討,達到多元專業參與的目的。同時,鑒於國內腦傷視障者日增且殷盼重建的介入,本會於2018年春季出版«視覺與大腦 ( Vision and The Brain ) »一書,與國際視障重建接軌,亦將國內甚為陌生之腦性視障(CVI)重建領域進行專題分享。


10/18(週四)到10/20(週六) 每日09:00-17:10




The Low Vision Center of Taiwan Foundation for the Blind was established in 2008. Since then, it has been serving increasing number of clients and collaborating with more and more professionals from different fields every year. To fulfill important goals of disseminating new knowledge and inspiring conversation on low vision care, TFB translated and published the Chinese translation of “Vision and the Blind” in April, and now presents an unique opportunity that internationally known experts lecture us on the new low vision service model of educating and serving individuals with cerebral visual impairment. Also local eye care clinicians report on current situations in Taiwan. Through these activities, TFB is advocating for the provision of low vision care in Taiwan to be in line with international standards.

Date and Time

10/18(THU.)-10/20(SAT.) 09:00-17:10


International conference hall in Main Library B1, National Taiwan Normal University
(Heping campus :129, Heping East Road Section 1, Taipei 10610, Taiwan)
