

Gordon N. Dutton, MD

Gordon N. Dutton, MD

世界知名的小兒眼科醫師,於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥皇家兒童醫院(Royal Hospital for Sick Children)任職20餘年。目前為格拉斯哥卡利多尼亞大學視覺科學系榮譽教授及格拉斯哥大學榮譽高級研究員。Dutton博士在兒童因大腦損傷所致的視覺功能失調領域廣為人知,不時受邀前往世界各地演講,長期擔任英國與北美洲各地組織的委員與顧問,包括波士頓兒童醫院客座教授。

Dr. Gordon Dutton, a world renowned paediatric ophthalmologist, Emeritus Professor of Vision Science at Caledonian University Glasgow in Scotland, currently an Honorary Senior Research Fellow of University of Glasgow has written a range of publications on CVI and has lectured internationally. Dr. Dutton’s research and experiences have contributed greatly to the important knowledge about how to categorize visual difficulties, and to link them to a range of strategies to help children with CVI. Dr. Dutton has received numerous awards for his work. He has served as a committee member and consultant for organizations throughout the United Kingdom and North America, including as a visiting Professor at Boston Children’s Hospital.
