

蔡景耀 博士

蔡景耀 博士

Ching-Yao Tsai, MD, PhD

國立陽明大學(National Yang-Ming University)公共衛生研究所(Institute of Public Health)博士,現任台北市聯合醫院(Taipei City Hospital)中興院區(Zhongxing Branch)醫務長、眼科專任主治醫師。蔡醫務長為國內投入低視能門診與服務之先驅,在眼科公衛推動及整合各領域資源不遺餘力,2017年辦理臺北市立聯合醫院(Taipei City Hospital)低視能復健門診,從醫療至生活重建之資源服務中,首創視覺復健及視覺輔具資源之單一窗口。

Dr. Tsai received both his MD and PhD from the Institute of Public Health at Taiwan National Yang-Ming University. He is an attending physician and the deputy superintendent for Taipei City Hospital’s Zhongxing Branch. Dr. Tsai is one of the pioneers to offer low vision clinical appointments in hospitals. He has devoted tremendous time to promote public education for low vision care and resources integration. In 2017, as the result of his effort, Taipei City Hospital opened its resource center to offer both medical and daily living rehab services to patients with low vision. It is the first program that integrates low vision clinical care with the provision of assistive device services in Taiwan.
